July 1999 Scottsdale, AZ
Reunion Photos
Click on the thumbnail version of the photos to see the big ones |
It's Pool Time!
Hirsch, John D-H & Dawn Jergens,
this is a dream... |
this is a bad dream!
Help! The Janega's got me! |
Great group photo! Joe Trevino, Greg Houston, Jennifer Fox, Louie
Oana, Candy Moon, Pat Snell. |
This is Deb Robieson and Louie Oana. Where'd you get that shirt
Louie? |
The Blues Brothers
Steve, I hear you! |
that horn Joe! |
a backup band! Tear it up Cindy, Deanna, & Joe! |
how 'bout them YMCA party animals? |
And Dancing & Hangin' Out
here is me and Jennifer Fox who was our valedictorian and is now a doctor, and a great
partier! And a great outfit Jen! |
Hey, its me and Louie Oana! And for those who didn't
hear much about us in high school, this is a very surprising photo. (Not only
because I'm the one with the letter jacket on!) |
Yes, it is me and Chris Beury cutting a rug. Yes I know she is very
pretty and I have a shirt on that looks very strange. But I think it looked OK that
night... really. |
Hirsch & John D-H.
I had no idea life would be so good 30 years after high school! |
table! Standing: Barb Woodring, Mary Guerra, Cindy
Guerra, Sitting: Criss Vincenti, Wendy Geier, Deanna Snook |
Bob Guerra & Barb Woodring. What ARE you doing with your hands
Bob? Is that Kris Geier behind you? |
Two of 71's best, Deb Robieson and Greg Houston |
Woodring on the dance floor, again! And the dude is who? ... that you Lavelle? |
Geier &
Paul Kenyon.
OK, which one looks happier? |
Oana & Sharron Fabiani, who looks beautiful, as always. Louie, well he looks a
little scary in this photo. |
1971 babes lookin' good!
Bernie Hohl, Deb Robieson, Pat Irwin, & Tammie Hight. |
& Penny Doolittle. And, no, for the 100th time, that is not his sister Penny.
This is the Penny whose brother dropped Pete down a mineshaft. Great story! |
Pat &
Alexis Snell. Newlyweds and what a pretty and happy couple they are. |
Tammie Hight, Paul Kenyon, & Chris Beury. A thorn between
roses. |
Remember my friends, we grow ANYWHERE.
And you are the only hometown most of us have.
Thanks for being there, we had a helluva time! |