El Encinar de los Reyes, Royal Oaks -- the teenager's playground with machinegun toting
Guardia Civil to keep us safe.
Oh, I remember delivering the Star and Stripes and literally being clotheslined when
cutting between yards at night. I remember hiding from the Air Police following a
Halloween volley of eggs. (I'm sure I was not involved. Yes, in fact I'm sure I was only
there to discourage several miscreants from pursuing such an outrageous course of action.)
Remember the "Fruteria"? Remember the Stables? Remember La Moraleja?
I understand there is a several decade tradition (through the 1990s) of sneaking up
into the rich folk's domain for illicit whatever.

I can't tell you the number of times I rode the P29 bus from Roaks to Plaza Castilla.
It was 4 pts on Sunday and holidays and 3 pts on workdays. What did a cab
cost in the late 60s? Like $3 to go from downtown JJs and the Stones to Royal
